Chabad of Malibu Hebrew school student student Emily Rose Shane was struck and killed by a motorist on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu on April 3. She was 13.
Emily as born Aug. 9, 1996. “Her motto was: dance, love, sing, live,” her family stated in a written statement. “She was a happy girl who loved to laugh. She saw the good in everyone. Her classmates have holes in their hearts.”
She is survived “and will be missed everyday” by her sisters Gerri and Leigh; her uncles Reid Shane and Gordon Bierbrier; her aunts Laura Berland Shane, Marilyn Wall, Linda Bierbrier and Cynthia Bierbrier; her nieces Stella, Rachel, Jennifer and Stephanie; nephews Josh, Jordan and Jared; grandparents
Vivien, Dorothy and Harry; and the family dogs, Jackson and Sherlock.
“Emily touched everyone's life and made it a point to say something nice about her friends everyday,” Shane's family said in a written statement.
“Her friends have vowed to carry on with a ‘pay it forward' campaign. Emily will be deeply missed by her parents, Ellen and Michel Shane, forever.”
A funeral for Shane was scheduled to take place this week Wednesday at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park in Simi Valley at 2 p.m., followed by a memorial at Malibu West Beach Club that same day.